
Hello, I’m Athul Kallungal a passionate developer who loves to write programs in Python,Node.js, C#. These are just some of my favourite languages. I’m currenly living in London,United Kingdom.

This website is a personal blog which I use to document my learning journey as a self learn developer. You can have a look at my blogs or you can search by category

Apart from learning programming langauges and computer science, I’m also intrigued about other human speaking languages and I’m currently learning spanish because I find the language very interesting.

I also read a lot and I find it keeps me thinking and keeping my mental sanity insight in this world where time goes so fast. I really like the saying “A room without books is like a body without a soul.” some of my favourite reads are :

  • Sapiens - A brief history of mankind
  • The C# Programming Yellow Book
  • The C programming language
  • What Evey BODY is Saying